

It doesn't come any closer fellow Drunks. 2 tipsters finishing on the same number of wins, separated only by a season of dubious margin calls. Fordy hangs on to win after an absolutely sensational lead-from-the-front season, from the equally consistent Justin 'Juzzy G' Graham.

Heart-felt commiserations to Juzzy. It's a situation I've been dreading for years, but the rules were carved in granite late last century and sit in a vault somewhere in a temple sitting on some rock in the Holy Land. There is after all only one PunchDrunk Cup, which can adorn only one Drunk's Office/Poolroom/Outhouse.

Having said all that, don't feel too sorry for the boy. He's taking 500 hard-earned Melbourne dollars back to his Sydney sleaze-pad.

Which brings us back to the main topic here: FORDY.
I'm not sure off the top of the head how many years he's been PunchDrunking, but it must be close to 10. That's 10 years of laying low, avoiding the spotlight and flying underneath the radar. With a bit of luck he'll turn up to his first ever PunchDrunk event and come to collect his prize, cos that cup doesn't go close to fitting into an envelope.

Well done Craig, that's one big ugly Tin Cup and a thousand smackers to you my friend. You came close a few years back, led most of the year and stumbled in the final round. Thank fark that didn't quite happen again.

And finally in 3rd spot, and picking up a juicy $250, after many, many years of Drunk diligence, is Ian 'Heylow' Stewart. Well done mate, all this and the dirty Crows in the finals. That's a big year for a young boy from Adelaide.

A bit lower down the 8, Stavros and Leah put in super final rounds, coinciding with Dickwad and Tassy's life-on-the-line, and somewhat less successful rounds.
In: Steve & Leah. Out: Dickwad & Tassy.


Here's the smorgasboard on offer this week. Top 8 tipsters only get to pick in the game corresponding with their finishing possie:

The Drunks in those first 2 games (the top 4) get the double chance.
For the others it's a knockout, instant death to the loser. We need a winner of your game, and the margin.

The first named Drunk in each game needs to pick an odd margin, the second named to pick an even margin. Go to it.

I'll put up the flow-chart for the full finals series when I get a chance to make one.
The Dream is over and we have a League of Drunks Premier. Jim Richo and his Cheesedale boys have nabbed their second (by my count) Flag. The reality is he was the highest finishing Drunk 2 years back, in our second Dream-season. In those days we had to fill the league with celebrity ring-ins, and from memory Dean Cox beat Richo in the GF that year. But a quick retrospective rule amendment that no-one over 6'10" was allowed to win, and voila... a flag for Richo. Now it's 2.

Hats off to Logger, who's been with us for 2 years and has looked the Real Deal from day one. 
Can't wait for next year. The Year of the Grudge.


A highly commendable effort by Coxy's Catfish in the bottom-half granny. His score of 2146 would have won several highly regarded DreamTeam comps going around. If he'd made the Logger's League Granny for example he would have won by 16 points. 
But he didn't, so he didn't.