

As the most drawn-out pre-season in collective memory tests the boundaries of human endurance, the question is are you winding up, or winding down?

My body clock is telling me the Dees should have lost 4 games by now and the season is done and dusted already. Muscle memory of a well-worn, ligament-ruptured brain.

The fact is, of course, it all begins in 6 days from now, with Round 1 drip-fed to us over the ensuing 5 days, in case your ticker can't hack a mainline hit of 9 matches in one weekend.

So many questions, where to begin? Shit, I don't even know if Essadon are allowed to play. My mind has just shut down over that one. I can't even start to do justice to that exercise in starting to justice.
Each season I make a promise (to myself, at least) that I won't drag you all through my personal curse, and so won't delve into the red and blue, yet, but on more neutral ground: Will Carlton win a game? Will the puppy Dogs surpass the old, disloyal, lost Dogs, or will they finish the season with tails between legs? Will Brad Scott stop griping and smile this year? Just once? Will the Tiges defy gravity once again and float into 8th spot?

So welcome one and all to PD#27. This year it's all about the footy, and all about you. I'm tired of the sound of my own shrill carping, please add your own voices to the conversation. One of the main reasons for starting this blog thing a few years back was to give any of you who wanted it a soap-box, a speech bubble. Access to the keys of the PunchDrunk company car. Sure, it's a P76, but it is ORANGE! So now's your chance. I can't remember off the top of my head where the keys are stashed, but I'll find them, in the interim send me anything, it will run right here. My increasingly diminished ability to hit PD (as well as other-worldy) targets and deadlines mean some fancy online extras will become ex-extras. The Head is dead, GrandsunBall buried. The wobbly ladder... Who knows?

More important, of course, than a life lived online is a life lived in the pub. We have that covered this year with 4 gazetted PunchDrinks on the calendar, the first in a matter of days, April 9.

So take a moment to study whatever form you reckon fits, to ensure your log-ins log in and settle in for a long and totally fulfilling season filled full of fullness.