

An apology and explanation for lack of contact, lack of content. General lack.

Firstly, these Thursday games have been killing my momentum. I'd just about get the ladder done, my mind around writing some snippet of garbage and then BANG! It's Thursday and before you know it, before I'm ready, there's a game on and I'm knocked out of stride, thrown off my stroke.

That's the first excuse and now, well last Thursday actually, my laptop died. Really quite dead. Among the items not backed up it appears was a significant slice of PunchDrunk history and all this year's base files. The upshot I'm afraid is no more ladder for the year. I could remake it from scratch but I'm not going to. It's redundant anyway, the icing on an ever-diminishing cake. Now there's little cake, no icing and even the plate is looking chipped and dirty.

Since last we had a little chat we've endured 3 weeks of momentum-sapping byes, and a few full rounds, but you know what? Bernie's still perched on top of the tree like a cat who's not sure how he got there and is either too scared to come down or is just being, well... a cat. Annoying and playing with our psyche's. 

Here's your new ladder: