
Tiger Burns Bright! Brenton is 2017 PunchDrunk World Champion.

I don't want to surprise anyone, but we have a winner.

Brenton lead this year's Drunk from game 4, Round 1 and never looked like losing his grip on our beloved bit of banged-up bling, that tarnished tin-foiled tumbler, our pock-marked PunchDrunk Prize Cup. Congrats B.

Hot on his heels was Ian 'Heylow' Stewart, one game behind. A bold showing making up 2 games in the final 2 rounds, but not quite bold enough. The game results were there, but sadly he channeled the Demons rather the Eagles (and picked the Demons and not picking the Eagles) and similarly bypassed a world of possible glory. Congrats on a fine year Ian.

Then came Phil of the Smith variety, who slipped into third on the back of the season's final game, at the precise moment his team slipped ignominiously out of the finals.

Then the rest...

Details forthcoming soon about finals composition and more importantly the PrizeGiving Gala, but pop Thursday 28th September in your calendar right now.


R23: Cometh the hour...

I feel we need a drumroll, where's Trobby when you need him?
Final round, final roll of the dice.

So, last round Ian knocked off one of the 3 games he needs to get Brenna. That leaves 2 more alt wins this week, but with a big points differential too. But to my eye there are 3 games that are fair dinkum 50/50's, and there's no question about my tipping prowess.

Anyway, Ian's sitting at home right now sticking pins in a Tommy Hafey doll, drawing specs and a moustache on a photo of Brenton and screaming "Game-on Tiger-boy!" It's really not a very dignified scene.

It's game-on at the bottom end of the 8 too this week, where art mirrors life. Yep, we're art, the AFL is only life. We have about 8 Drunks vying for the last 5 spots in the finals.

The last 3 weeks have been jackpot-arama, Last round Leah 'Champs' and Dave 'Devo' were the big winners, spitting the big bucks. That's a fiver each to you, and this round Bernie Phelan, fresh from the huge pay-off of being last year's Champion has added anther $10 to his career prize-money.


Round 20: The Final Count Down

Three... Two... One...
What does Lethal say? Catching up a goal a minute is do-able? A match per round?
Brenna's STILL ahead, Ian Heylow Stewart is still trailing in his wake by 2 points. Sam BobCatter is lurking one game further back.

Round 20 was supposed to be difficult, sort the goats from the chaff.
Well it wasn't and it didn't. In fact it was so damn easy the jackpot went off with a bang, so we don't even have that left to look forward to. So that's $140, I think, split between Tassy and Juzzy. Enjoy it fellas. No, really.

So, if anyone else wants to win this thing, they'd better do something pretty quick.