

Sorry to have missed last week. I figure there's enough crap being written about footy at the moment without adding to it.

Here's where we're at with the ladder. Fordy back on top. Matt tussling it out with him. The rest of us waiting under the table for some scraps.

Hope to see some of you/all of you tonight. Not unusual that it's been a DM fail so it'll be a lovely surprise to see who turns up. You gotta love surprises. I'll be latish, but there's a table booked under 'Richard' for 7pm in the dining room as usual.



Not much for you today, apart from the fact we've got a new leader this week, by the tiny space between 2 letters of the alphabet (D v F).
There are 5 Drunks sitting out there on 50 this week. Very generous of last week's leaders to each drop an extra game and lull the rest of us. And good to see the 'turn-up' game still exists.

Other than that I don't think I can add to your weekends. I'm looking forward to splitting some jugs and some well-priced vino with you all in a couple of weeks though. I'm feeling very live-and-let-live this week so I hope your team wins*, but your tipping fails miserably. 

* Unless you're a Dons, Pies or Blues fan, or, especially if I'm watching their home games on telly, a Crow. Or GWS.


Some decent scores in the League of Drunks this week, including the first decent hit-out from the Chimps. I know it's early days, but it's looking dangerously like the Cheesies and the Loggers are a cut above.

I keep hoping to give some value-add insight to this DT comp review, but lets face it my input here is as redundant as some bloke sitting next to you at the footy giving his own one-eyed commentary. 
Even worse, as annoying as a crowd of Gen Ys who turn up to a Pixies gig (e.g.) and do a unison sing-along to every word of every song to show how fucking worldly they are and they really do dig this 'classic old-time music'. Shut the fuck up, I came to listen to Frank, not you beardy-nerd carnts. I mean it's not bloody church muth'fukka. Go 'R&B' yourselves to death. Oh, and that's another thing.....

So anyway we're all playing someone else again this weekend. But you knew that.



A sorry effort last week, so... well, sorry. I had stuff ready to go just ran out of time to press GO. Piss-poor.
Enough insincerity, back to the here and now: Fordy continues his solid form, and he has the Devil for his only company, Juzzy G, one of our Sydney-based Drunks. But, as they say in France, there's still bugger-all in it though.

The Big Tipping News from this week is that the year's first Jackpot has been potted.
My old mate Derek rode into town on his half lame mule and rode off again with all the loot (and a couple of those saloon bar-girls in frilly dresses). Under the new rewards system his booty amounts to $120, that's $20 a round.
Derek runs a high risk/high reward game plan, which as the man himself says, means he'll never win Ye Olde Mugge again BUT his stand-alone tipping style means if he pulls out a perfect 9, chances are he'll have it to himself. And there goes your proof.


This month's PunchDrunk Playmate is Mark 'Jacko' Jackson, one of the more recent colourful characters before it went to shite and we ended up with media-shined turds like Fev and Aka.

 Jacko Looking spunky in the Red and Blue

Sure, the bloke was a bit of a clown, hand-standing, popping out his false-teeth and sticking his arse out and doing the gorilla-walk. But at least he had the good grace to wait til his footy career was dead and go to L.A. to become a media buffoon.

I once came face-to-face with Jacko's ugly mug in '81 as a wet-behind-the-ears youth. I was up in Surfers' with some mates. As we went to sit at a table in some XXXX be-decked beer garden on Cavill Ave, I noticed a bloke from the next table had his feet on the last chair at our table. My chair.
I was halfway through saying 'scuse me mate and simultaneously pulling the chair from under his feet, when I realised this bloke was Jacko on a Demons' end of year trip. Scarey mad-arse Jacko! I was about to die a fugly death. Time froze, he glared his glare and let me live. Fev woulda punched my lights out, like I was some Irish barman.

  Just good mates. Jacko and Chopper sharing a vino collapso.



It's been way too long between drinks. In fact this was going to be a pre-season high-altitude training affair in a rooftop beer-garden. Like so many genius ideas planned at PunchDrunk HQ it just didn't happen.
But this will. Familiar territory, familiar faces.
Thursday May 31, 7.30ish amidst the cosy comfort of the good ol' Union Club Hotel in Fitzroy. Cnr Gore and Webb Streets Fitzroy. Let me know you're in, I'll nab you a chair.


Jim and the boys from Cheesetown are sitting High and Mighty in fantastic form at the top of the tree. They're not the only one with 4 from 4, but looking shiny with a nice healthy points score. But as the Dalai once told me 'Dick, when it comes to the search for Nivana, eternity is just a blink of the eye'. Not sure what he meant, he was quite drunk at the time.
The Chimps, we're playing the youngsters. Basically everyone else has broken their shoulders, or quads, or feet.

The Chimps are up against Rob's Mongrels, who are in fine form.
Dirk's going to try to Curry the Cheese. Good luck there.
Sammy's JCE's are looking to give the Limbos the lowdown.
Pete's Hawkeyes should have the edge over Fordy. You'd reckon.
Everyoddyear are looking for that breakthrough win over the Pappags
The Demonski's will want to go to town on Adelaide and get back to some of their pre-season form
The Brennas will look to head a bit further north thanks to the SE West Norths.
Aaaaaagh to wipe out Sh1thouse
And Coxy's Catfish take on Loggers in the absolute match of the round.