

I put up a little post at the start of the season, which I'm sure no-one noticed/read/remembers that talked about paying yer dues. In fact there's a stand-alone permanent page devoted to PRIZEMONEY in the "Pages" section over yonder right. The deal's pretty much the same as always, except this year there's the option of a pre-pay discount for those brave/cocky enough to believe by the season's half-way mark (or Round 13) they can make the top 8.
If that's you, save $10 and pay up your yearly dues by the end of R13, including your $10 for the finals (you don't it get back if you bomb out). So that's a total of $70.

Anyone not keen to stick their neck out that far can pay up their $60 now, or by season's end, and fork out an extra $20 at finals time, if they make it. Simple.

I'll send you an email with bank details. They're the same as last year if you still have those numbers tucked away.


THE AFL MUST THINK WE'RE FOOLS. "Let's play fewer games but play them over more days, so people think they're actually getting MORE footy." Friday to Monday one week, Thursday to Sunday the next. Interesting idea, we just may be foolish enough for it to work.

I WENT TO THE QUEEN'S DIAMOND JELLYBEAN BIRTHDAY PARTY GAME on monday, where I watched the Dees win every quarter they played against the kids in the B/W Stripes. Unfortunately they seemed to have missed their invitations to the first quarter and their mummies picked them up early from the party at the start of the last quarter so they only played 2 quarters. But they won them both.

LANCE ARMSTRONG CALLED PUNCHDRUNK HQ this week, and left a message for Ian: "Hey mate, they're onto me. You'd better chuck out that bag of goodies I left with you and lay off the magic needles" Not sure exactly what he meant but it may go some way towards explaining the red line on the chart below:

Otherwise, not a heap of movement. And of course our wobbly ladder's already out of date, since they popped in a sneaky thursday night game, which no-one was ready for. Fordy just keeps on keeping on.

The first of three horror rounds negotiating the byes is down. A round that brought to mind the days of playing 14 a side at primary school. Playing without pockets.
Playing without backs or forwards in some cases for that matter. Anyway, only 2 more rounds of that to go. I don't know about you guys but all my 100+ scorers are down at the beach this weekend.



Well, the footy spoke for itself last week. Which is great because there's a whole lot of nothing from me again this week. Other than it's nice to see the media rifle-sights moving from the good old Dees to the newly crowned losers, the Roos. It's musical chairs really, pass the parcel. Last team to unwrap the hap is the haplessest. The relentless news-cycle moves on like a tornado.

Watching the Tiges v Saints game, followed by the Dees v Bombers game certainly gave my foofer valves a serious workout and got the smiling glands active again too. The Dees of course, but geez I just love the way the Tiges go about it too.

Nice to see a few Drunks last thursday night at the Union, always the best company in town. We'll do it again in a couple of months, and in the interim take a quick straw poll on venues. Some talk about finding an alternative southside venue as an occasional alternative.
Personally I just love getting a bit of Northside back in the veins. I mean, how many grey bobs and mercs can a bloke stand without respite. Not to mention leaf-blowers, the jet-ski of the leafy suburb.

And so to this:

Fordy's been sitting on our heads, a-la Shaun Smith, most of the year, but finally he's got to himself. Matty zigged when he should have zagged and lost his man.

That's it really. Interesting 3 weeks with the byes, especially for the DreamTeamers.
I'll start talking about collecting buck$, including the pre-pay discount for finals, until after the byes I reckon, so end of R13.

Playmate of the Month: MR JUNE, ROBBIE 'Mad Dog' MUIR.

This weeks Playmate is the scariest man since Deadly Ernest. Robbie "Mad Dog" Muir. A devil in Saints clothing. His career spanned, 1974-1984, playing only 68 games in that time, and rubbed out for almost as many.  Reported 13 times, suspended 22 weeks including 12 weeks for THIS ONE. I gotta agree with Mr Dog, that bump didn't look so bad.

And I remember watching THIS ONE, spell-bound as it unfolded. This is a short version, I remember him chasing several fans around, like some rabid dog. I was on the other side of the telly screen and still shat myself.

But even madness and badness can be turned to good. In 2006 Muir became involved in umpiring in an amateur league which was notorious for its players who disrespected officials. No word as to whether it worked.

But madness and badness usually floats back up to the top a bit like a fibre-rich poo in a toilet bowl.

Mr June. Mad Dog Muir. A floater.