
Hope you can make it down to the old Union Club Hotel next thursday for the second PunchDrink. I'm well-overdue to bend an elbow with my buddies. As usual let me know if you can make it, I'll book a table, but would be handy to know how many will be sitting at it.

R17 RE-CAP... SAME AS R16.

It always gives one a warm feeling to watch Essadun lose. Even more-so when it results in an early against-the-flow tip win. But just like last week my early tipping gains were wiped out. This week courtesy of a last-minute tip-change (farkin Swan McKay had me convinced 2 min before the bounce that no way could the Hawks defence hold up against the Pies power-house forward line. Idiot.) And a combo of Shaun Grigg's bouncing kick and Drew Petrie. And according to the Tigers fans watching some dubious umpiring at the behest of a vengeful Giesch.

The up-shot is that with the past 2 rounds over, seemingly the first all season where there was some variance in tipping, not much on the ladder has really changed. A lot of familiar faces in the top 8. Juzzy G has definitely moved within striking distance. Logger is looking poised and Lee has worked his way into the 8, and contention at the right end of the season.
Otherwise it's Snakes'n'Ladders from third to about 18th. Take one wrong step and you're in freefall baby. As Coxy and Brenna found out this week. BUT there is also the chance of easy redemption as Ian and Dickwad discovered.

The JACKPOT went bang again this week. Jesper and Cath each weaved their way through the pack to come out unscathed at the end, and they walk away with a WOPPING $30 each.


Only 2 rounds to go before the finals so time is running out. Logger has 2 weeks to replace one of the bottom 3 Drunks currently in the 8. As I pointed outlast time, he has the highest number of points, but bizarrely he's still sitting 9th. Can't work that one out at all.
Cheesies are pretty-much home and hosed as Minor Premiers you'd think, the other point of interest is finalising the top 4. Basically anyone from 2nd -7th could be in the 4, or out. Which brings us to this weeks match-ups:
The in-form Mongrels should have SEWN's measure to leave a top-spot challenge alive. Demonski's should get a leg-up in their bid for top 4 against AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArgh!!! Coxy's Catfish will be looking to make his 8 spot safer against Ian's EveryOdds, who aren't easybeats. Loggers top-8 dreams should be still alive after their bout v Fordy. The JCE's, Champs and Cheesies you'd reckon should all shore-up there possies. Which leaves Lygon St and Hawkeye as the match of the round. Matty can't make it, but his boys can put a stick in Pete's spokes and help out Logger.



Last weekend was one of THOSE rounds for me.
If Shiny Hope and Bitter Disappointment met and had a love-child, it could well have turned out just like last weekend.

Everything started well, an against the odds win friday night. The Ziebells intent on getting the the ball come what may, the Juddies with a cowardly eye on de-boning and stuffing their opponents. Dick moves from 7th to 6th. Nice.

Saturday, things were pretty much going to plan tips-wise, AND the jagged promise-line of projected scores had my Chimps winning all 4 of their Dreamteam league games. Hi five.

Even the Dees, though I didn't tip them, started well, at Docklands, The Terror Dome, a venue they can’t win at. As a Dees supporter of course I didn’t go along. Not because it’s too far or too hard. In fact I find it quite lovely, rather like going to watch the footy at Hamer Hall. I’m sure one could even get a plastic glass of the finest Yellowglen if one's heart desired.
No. It’s because watching the Dees play there roughly equates to staying conscious to watch your own appendectomy. Pure pain, no upside. I’m sure you could do it, but why would ya? Sure, go have your appendix out if you want, but don’t watch it happen would be my advice.

The weekend started to turn at around the 10 minute mark of that match, the Russian went down and by 3/4 time things started going a tad pear-shaped.

My gut had told me to go Lions, and my head couldn’t concentrate long enough to change the tip. But with 10 minutes or so to go in the last the Lions were hanging in for another upset. AND hey, win this one and I’m sitting second and only 2 adrift of Fordy....

At this point the footy gods went missing totally. Didn’t get another touch for the rest of the round. The Saints got up and headed off looking for schoolies. The Chimps started running out of legs, losing 3 of their 4 games. The Swannies (gut) smashed the Eagles (head), and I slid back to where I started. 7th. Sometimes I don’t know why I bother even getting up in the morning.

God damn you footy gods, where were ya? Do a decent pre-season you over-paid poseurs.Put in or get off!

This is we we are:
Almost the same as last week, except Logger has started making his move, and Phils back in the 8 too. Out go Dickwad and Ian.



It's been way too long since we spoke, sorry.
There's been way too much koyaanisqatsi in Dick-land of late. Trying, and failing, to balance business, stay-at-home parenting and the Drunk.

Having said that, nothing much has changed over the past 4 weeks. The top 8 is still the top 8, slightly rejigged. There have been far too few toss-up games and far too little sticking out of necks. How the hell are we s'posed to catch Fordy at this rate.

But sometimes an ounce of neck-sticking can bring a bucket of bucks. Last week Joff and Ben split the jackpot, to the tune of $50 each. Yep, small bucket. While most of us were smugly sitting on 8/8 up til the Roos v Saints outing, they zagged when the rest zigged and watched the Roos romp home with $ in their eyes. Congrats chaps.

Just three of the words that come to mind. Yes, the Drunks bucks have started dribbling in, and most of those who've paid have rolled the dice, crossed their fingers and paid for the finals in advance.
Sadly that Special One-Time-Only Offer is closed now.

We have a dedicated page to keep the finger on the pulse of those paid up. If at any stage you reckon YOUR name should be on that page and it isn't, let me know.

Mr. July: BRENT CROSSWELL 'Drunk Playmate of the Month

Mr July: Brent Crosswell. Boy from Tassy, a genie of a player, part-time philosopher, full-time enigma. Multiple-premiership player. Another free-spirit from the 60's/70's who would likely have been squeezed out of colourless, odourless modern, moralising football.

Times change, expectations shift. Was it really so long ago when it was the footballers who drank, smoked and fucked everything they could and not the priests.

L-R. 1- Brent Crosswell: The Man Without a Face.  2- Many a bust-up with Ronald Dale, but followed him from Blues - Roos - Dees.  3- The man had everything, shit-hot boots, a pie and a chauffer-driven chair.
 Definitely getting to the action-end here.
In the Battle of the Pivot, the top cats fought it out last weekend, with Sammy holding sway against the previously undefeated Cheesies. But, looking at last week's scores, it's Rob's Mongrel bastards that seem to be shaping as the real danger.

The biggest question to me is the Loggers. Highest total number of points, but not even cracking the 8 at this stage. Wouldn't happen in a meritocracy.

Looks like a coin-toss for the bottom two spots in the top 4 to me. Some good games this week too:
Catfish v Mongrels (7th v 4th), Logger should get a leg-up from the Aaaaaaaaaghs, Brennas v Demonskis (5th v 8th), Pete's unheralded but rapidly improving Hawkeyes (6th) v Sammy's JCEs (2nd), nothing much separating their scores last week. And the Cheesies to be (hopefully) challenged by the Champs (1st v 3rd).

Oh jeez it's exciting.....