
Round 3. I'm feeling pretty down myself...

It was the week all Melbourne supporters can now stop wondering when Mitch Clark will come back and help our renaissance. Depressed? Yep you betcha. We'll just never get that forward line working it seems. Remind me to tell you one day about the Norm Smith Curse. You can bet I'll mention such coulda beens as Clark, Jurrah, Wonnameiri, Jakovich, Schwartz, the Wizz, Mark Jackson, Templeton, 'Fabulous Phil' Carman, Crosswell, Sean Charles, 'Diamond Jim' Tilbrook, Greg Parke (Dawes? Hogan?). Dream forwards who failed, fizzed, farted around or fucked off.

Now to this... will you guys stop jumping around and ruining my picture please:

Taffa's been in self imposed exile from the Drunk for 2 or 3 years, preparing himself like Bonnie Prince Charlie to usurp the Drunk crown. And La! Here is is sitting atop the pile. Most of the other names up there won't surprise anyone.

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