
Here are the tips for todays Grand Bout.

Good luck both drunks.

A Prize Night at Bernie's

When I first met this bloke he muttered something about 'burny feelin' and I assumed he'd just had a curry. Well, no. 
20-odd years later he's morphed into Drunk-for-life lens-man extraordinare and special-occasions commentator (too rarely) Bernie Phelan.
Here are his shots and his his take on Thursday night's PunchDrunk Night of Dreams Gala event at the oh-so elegant Union Club Hotel.

Link here. 


Finals Week 3

 Geez it's still a Tiger army out there. 
I don't think Garth is one, but everyone else is so who knows these days?

Finally Coxy lost something and he's headed off to his counting house to roll in some honey, while his queen has a money sandwich. 

Tassy's out too, so is Sydney, so is Goodesy, so is Buddy.
But so is Tony, and I reckon that makes it more than alright.

Last knock-out before the ultimate knock-out experience.



Tassy Tigers anyone? Or should that be Tassy v Tigers?
Yep the real Tigers came along last week, played and lost and are gone, but Coxy, Brenna, Juzzy G and Dickwad, who gets a week's rest this week, are still flying the Yellow and Black banner.

Ian and Phil came, saw and were conquered, leaving us with this:


Finals time, and here's how it works from here on in:

These Drunks are playing off for $110 Grand Final winner, $50 runner-up. 
Tigers everywhere. One in each game.
Can they personally break the hoodoo that's been haunting their team come finals? 


Round 23

Yes it's true. The man who took half the season off to hang with the Mafia, drink grappa ristrettos, bucket-down a few litres of Nero D'avola and chow down on scampi and... God knows... goat manure in Sicily, has pulled the right strings and not only won PunchDrunk, he's come first, second and third*.
5 games clear, ladies and germans, if you can believe it!
Should we ever have doubted? He hit the lead about the time he hit Syracusa, I believe, in Round 10 and never looked back.
Sean Cox: absolute gentleman, PunchDrunk World Champion and total bastard. We salute you.
Word on the street is he's also pulled off the Melbourne Museum Tipping comp too, and that's about another cool Grand. Your shout Sean. Only kidding*.

Tassy went close in second.
No he didn't. Neither did Dickwad in third. neither did I, and neither did you. Or you.

* Not really.

And so, to this:

You lucky few will hear from me soon.



We are now officially three days away from announcing the 2015 World PunchDrunk Champion. To be honest we all may as well take a well-earned rest this week. Apparently Ross Lyon is not only resting 11 players, he's also resting Coxy as well. Extraordinary week last week from the Catfish, winning the round and leaping further from anyone else's reach. Bastard.

We've totally neglected any publicity surrounding the whole dreamteam thing this year, but it has been trucking along out of our gaze. It's Grand Final week and local golden boy Lloydy takes on Nick Maxwell in the Big One. Go Andy.


It's an Upstairs Downstairs world and down in the Ammo's it's one-time champs Champanzees fighting the good PunchDrunk fight against some ring-in idiots called the Fan Footy Magnet-Shooters or some stupid name that doesn't fit on the screen. Go Chimps. Please.



Do we call it yet? 

Surely Coxy's done enough to get that mug back from Lex and start scratching his name into the electro-plated shiny mineral surface of the old mug?
Last week I thought we may have been shaping for a block-buster, edge-of-the-seat kinda finish.
This week I'm not so sure anyone even needs to get out of bed, turn on the telly or check the scores. I won't be. 
BUT, anyone who knows me knows 'wrong' is one of the few things I do really well, so best ignore me for now.
On a different tack: I need money. There were a couple of Drunks who were in credit from last year, otherwise you all owe bucks. Sixty of them. We'll sort finals with the finalists when they are set in concrete.
Bank details to follow, but in the meantime, stick your hand down the back of the couch, rob the kids' piggy, go through your nanna's bedside draw or start saving.

RADAR: PunchDrunk Pie Night and Prize-Giving is 5 weeks away.


Round 19

Coxy was looking invincible last week. Now he just looks unbeatable.
Dickwad made up 2 on Sean this week, with an 8, leap-frogging Tassy into second and 2 wins away from the lead. 

Big week too for Kurtz. The bastard knocked off the Jackpot picking up, if memory serves, $160.

4 rounds to go. Interesting times ahead. Good luck Drunks.


Round 16

If anything happened last round, I missed it.
Coxy by 2.


Round 15

Coxy's been leading for 6 straight weeks now, but at least he's back to a lead of 2 rather than 3.
There's basically a Tiger pack out front at the mo. Yes, the top 3, in fact 4 of the top 6, should all be sitting at 9th.


Round 14

There's been a bit happen since we last caught up. Too much to even start talking about really.
I apologise for the lack of tributes after last friday's tragedy. All I can say is vale Walshy.
What I can tell you, however, is Coxy has gone ape and vaulted to a 3 point lead here. Not quite sure how that happened.


Round 11

Coxy, refreshed from a holiday amidst Sicilian olives, scampi and mafiosi, charged to the lead by a short half head last week, and has added to that this week. Next week, who knows? Another horses head or swimming with the fishes.

Round 10


She's Back...

Lex hits the lead, but the Catfish gets the cream. 


Last year's World PunchDrunk Champ is back (to back?) on top of the world this week. She was seriously lurking last week, but the lurk has now turned to a smirk. 

The big winner this week however is Sean 'Catfish' Cox, who also grabs a share of the lead along with the extremely healthy $180 Jackpot. To make matters better (read worse) he did it while sunning his posterior and knocking back several litres of Nero D'avola and bounteous serves of Spag Marinara in Sicily.


Round 8

PunchDrink 2 is upon us, this Thursday June 4.
Hope to see you there.


Round 7

PunchDrink 2 is almost close enough to smell the beer-soaked carpet.
But until then there's still a little bit of footy and chartage:

That's 3 weeks in a row at #1 now for Juzzy 'the Devil' G, seems he's set to revenge his close-as-possible second place in 2012. Taffa's there right behind him, nosing around like a dog on heat. He was thereabouts all year last year and has clearly developed a liking for the top end the table.

As with our media and politics there's a bit of Sydney emphasis to the ladder at the moment with 3 Sin City locals in the top 5 places. Probably all on a secret AFL support package of some kind I guess.

Dave and Brenton's 8s have done them no disservice and pushed them a little closer to the pointy end.


Round 6

The next drink is coming up, and this is what's been going down:


Round 5

It's late and my mum taught me me if you've nothing nice to say, say nothing. 
Oh, ok, congrats Juzzy G and Taffa. 

Nothing to say here either.