

Do we call it yet? 

Surely Coxy's done enough to get that mug back from Lex and start scratching his name into the electro-plated shiny mineral surface of the old mug?
Last week I thought we may have been shaping for a block-buster, edge-of-the-seat kinda finish.
This week I'm not so sure anyone even needs to get out of bed, turn on the telly or check the scores. I won't be. 
BUT, anyone who knows me knows 'wrong' is one of the few things I do really well, so best ignore me for now.
On a different tack: I need money. There were a couple of Drunks who were in credit from last year, otherwise you all owe bucks. Sixty of them. We'll sort finals with the finalists when they are set in concrete.
Bank details to follow, but in the meantime, stick your hand down the back of the couch, rob the kids' piggy, go through your nanna's bedside draw or start saving.

RADAR: PunchDrunk Pie Night and Prize-Giving is 5 weeks away.

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