

The Bern-out we've all been expecting and hoping for just hasn't eventuated. I reckon we can pretty much call it Bernie's Cup this year dammit.

But things are humming and spring-timey in other quarters.  A cosy bunch of Drunk loyalists had a small drink a week or so back at the Union, I'm just back from a week in FNQ, the new laptop's working, the new phone's good and, oh yes the Dees are up and about all dreamy-like. At least until Saturday, when new-found hope will most likely be dashed. But hey, 6 days of hope in a season is better than we've had for 10 years, better than none.

And so to this:
Bernie's bolted for sure but it's a multi-way battle for 2nd and 3rd, and for the 8. There are enough interesting games to shake things up a fair bit I reckon.

And more importantly the jackpot tab is up to a scary $380. The highest in Drunk history.

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