
Enough self-indulgence. I'm a loser and we have ourselves a Winner! 

Momentarily it looked like we may have ended up with something of a fight to the death when Lloydy chose Port over his own Bombers and Lee picked the Dons. This unwise and unseemly act of treachery by Andy had Lee a tantalising one point behind our long-time leader. But there was to be a deliciously ironic twist in the tale as Lee was undone the very next day by his unwavering support for his Swannies as they lowered their flag if not their trousers to those perpetual bully-boys, the Poos and Wees. The circle of fate continued as staunch Hawk Trobby pick against his both boys and against Lloydy's. As the Dalai is always saying; "Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice and I clearly don't know what I'm doing. Could you call me a taxi please?"

So Congratubloodylations Andy "Lloydy" Lloyd, Bombers man, drug-lord and All-Powerful PunchDrunk World Champion 2018.

He's been close before. My God he's been close. And I'll go and look up just how close in a bit, but right now I need to go home...
... OK, in 2013 Lloydy basically led all year and had Jim Richo draw level early in the final round, then pass him in the second last game of the season... the next year he finished 4th. That's a couple of close calls. Other than that he's pretty much finished mid-field, so not as impressive as I'd thought. Bit sad that.
Phil and Lee always seem to be thereabouts too. Nothing else to do in Sydney apparently but run the numbers on footy outcomes.
And congrats also to Paul, yet another Syndeysyder, who knocked off the last remaining jackpot. That's $20 in his pocket.

Stay tuned for the finals games and arrangements. As usual if you finished top 8 and you want in, it's a $20 outlay for a chance to win $110, $50 for runner up.
A small note: I did NOT tip Brisbane over West Coast despite what the results say. Anyway, I guess that saves me losing another $20.

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