
Firstly apologies to the bottom half, but I only have time fot the top half this week.
Where are we at? Top 2 won last week. Lloydy's boys had enough in the tank to take on and beat the Don Peptides. Geez that's a pretty loaded sentence for the past couple of years of AFL controversy.

Fellow leader Cheesies put the Demonskis in their place. These 2 can have a holiday in Byron or wherever the hell they feel like it this week.

The Champs had their 3rd win by 1 point (over 2 leagues) this year. to knock out the Rockies. Lucky? I dunno we were 'supposed' to win each of those games by between 150 and 200 points. My question: how do players who have averages of between 95 and 110 conspire to all score 58 week after week?

The JCEs finally got rid of the interlopers Terrif Trio.

Now: Dons against JCEs  and the all-demon clash of Demonskis v Champanzees. Who'll win? Depends who turns up. Or doesn't.

- Disgruntled of Hawksburn.

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