

I reckon you'd have to be pretty unlucky to have the highest number of points for the year, look like the probable champ all season, only to lose the final by 10 points. More-so having run-up last year. Meet last week's least lucky man: Andy 'Logger' Lloyd. But you either have, or will read more about him in the main post.

Congrats, and I have these para's around the wrong way, to Sammy. Long-time contender, first-time winner of the League Of Drunks invisible trophy. He's been thereabouts most of the 4 previous years of this comp and this year he's pulled it off. On top of that he also won by 14 in the league of his own, ('League Of Our Own', not kidding anyone with that subterfuge Sammy).

Congrats young Sam, you've been close in many Drunk facets several times, 'bout time you actually won something.

And a little lower down the food-chain, Coxy's Catfish fulfilled the destiny his Tigers couldn't quite achieve. He finished 9th.

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