
AFL WOMEN'S WEEK. PunchDrunk still leads the way.

OK, so having a woman leading is just too tricky for Australia as a whole. At PunchDrunk we're man enough and woman enough to delight in Leah forging the way. That, of course, doesn't mean we're not going to get the steak-knives out and try to Rudd her, we're not that bloody delighted. We're all in this thing to win it.

11 years ago, when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, we press-ganged Caro Wilson into PunchDrunk as the sole female in the comp, I think she came last. The fact she was a hack had nothing to do with gender and everything to do with the fact she's, well, a hack. None-the-less let's celebrate evolution. This year, apart from Leah, we have Cath comfortably in the 8, and Lex, Kate and Titto well within striking distance of at least a finals berth.

I'm not sure whether the AFL's Women's Week is pure marketing tokenism (well actually I think I am) but at PunchDrunk we live, breath and drink gender equality. Let's raise a glass to it. Get us a beer will ya luv?

And so: pretty much straight lines from last week ti this... makes my job easier.
This week the jackpot is finally back on the table, sitting at $220.

This week is the week to nominate if you want to take the finals discount pre-paid. (well, prior to next week's games). More details here. Again.

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