
One more round of this bye craziness to go then bring on reality. Well, fantasy reality anyway.

This week's games:

Hamando v Heylow
It's the long-awaited, eagerly anticipated World War Ian, as Ian Ando does battle with Ian Stewart. Ando's put in a HUGE pre-season and come out bouncing. Pep-tides? You be the judge. My tip: Ian.

Don Peptides v 70cheersfor70years
Both coaches, like most of us, look like having decimated midfields this week. The 70s rucks may struggle, but can their backline hold it together? No one knows. Yet.

Pitches Princesses v RockyMountainHigh
Ladder position and form may be brushed aside by absenteeism v turnupism here methinks. Can the Rockies scratch together a competitive team? We're itching to know.

NADTCA v Brennas
A couple of comparatively full teams by the looks. Brennas on form.

Panzeronfire V WhatEverItTakes
You'd think this is Dirk's Panzers best chance to take Loggers boys. Both will be running thin teams, but as the Champs found out last week even a part strength Whatev's takes a bit of knocking off.

Terrific trio V JoelCoreyEnrights
JCEs are one of the true form teams of this comp, but the Terrif's seem to have been set for this week, like a Bart horse coming into Cup Week. Sammy's got rucks and forwards galore but looks to have a few too many holes in the middle, but can quality overpower quantity? An interesting question, if you're interested in such things.
Champanzees V CREATR
Champs look the goods here at this stage, but you never can tell. R10 we managed to contrive only 2 out at selection but had 3 last minute withdrawals, then a sub and sub-out, so no-one's safe in the evil land of the bye. Let that be a lesson.

Cheesedale V The Code Hoppers
The marvelous Cheesies look to have the Codehoppers on toast... on form, players available, superior dna, the works. They just may be the super race.

Catfish V Demonskis
Demonski's coach looks safe. They're having a grand year, and while Coxy's abroad continuing the Irish experiment, he may have just taken his eye of the ball for this weeks game.

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