
As an even playing field DreamTeam is harder to read than the 12th green at Royal Melbourne.
For example, here are the Champs sitting high and mighty atop the Drunk tree while in Loggers League, against many of the same coaches and teams, they are languishing at 14th below all of Demonskis, the Whetevahs, Cheesies, Brennas, DonPeps and the Pitchesses. Based on points scored they'd be 6th and 7th which is why the DT competition season is 17 rounds long, not 8.

And it's about to get a helluva lot more dicey as we enter BYE BYE BYE land.
Is there a way to deal with having your team pool third-imated for 3 weeks in a row? Maybe, maybe not... Do you write off one round? Take a middle line and cross your fingers?
Stay tuned, cream floats, but sometimes turds do too.

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