
When I put these heads together it was vaguely topical. That was then, this is now. The AFL has conspired with itself to make this as passé now as... well as passé as the AFL, by sticking an extra weekend into last week. God. When will this season end? 2 or 3 weeks back there was a World Cup. From memory the Germans won. Joachim Loew was the Svengali behind the win. No-one cares anymore. It was quite a comforting thing actually, they looked just a pack of stringy white krauts from the 70's. They did a monkey dance mocking the Argentinians like they would have in the 40's. If you're on a good thing....

Roosy's there because, just like JiggaLoew, he looks good in slacks and a brown bob.

I'll tell you who's on a good thing... Harv. 2 more this week.
You got to hand it to Taffa he keeps trying. He went for Bomber Thompson this week. He either needs to get over his Essadun-hATE thing (I can talk) or get new glasses.

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